Thursday, October 22, 2009

Launch: Reaching Out

The highlight of my college years was the a cappella group I was a part of during my four (and a half) years there. I've loved singing since I can remember, and being a part of a group singing in tight harmony is one of the best feelings in the world. Since I graduated from college, I've been feeling a sense of loss. Having a creative outlet like a cappella was something that made me happy. Even when I was at my lowest, I looked forward to rehearsals, when I could just sing and make music and know that I was good at something. I've been watching the new show Glee obsessively, getting nostalgic for the singing groups I was a member of starting in fourth grade. I miss it so much.

Luckily, a few weeks ago, at a cousin's wedding, I happened to meet a guy from the Boston area who is in an a cappella group. We got talking about singing and arranging songs, and how much fun it is to be a part of a group, and then and there, without ever hearing me sing, he offered me an audition for his group. I was beyond excited at the prospect of singing a cappella again, but didn't really expect this random guy I met at a wedding to follow through.

But what do you know, a few days later I got an email from the leader of the group inviting me to come to one of their rehearsals and audition. I went into Boston two weeks ago (getting a bit lost on the way there), and sang for them and with them and just being able to sing with a group, even if it was only for a few minutes...I felt whole. I was really nervous and didn't sing my best, but I did what I could and went home with my fingers crossed.

Two days later I recieved an email telling me that I'd received a callback, and last night I went back into Boston (getting lost again) to sing with them for a second time. I was less nervous this time, and I think I did well, but you never know. Now I'm just waiting to hear back from them, checking my email every few minutes obsessively.

I really hope I get in. Singing is my favorite thing to do in the entire world, and I feel like it's important to have it be a part of my life, even if everything else is a little crazy. If I don't get in, God forbid, then I think my next step will be to look for another singing group in the area. It's too important to me to let go.

Wish me luck!


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